Loggerhead: Dive into Aussie Horror with a Dash of Laughter and Chills!

Loggerhead: Where Broken Roads Meets Resident Evil!

Ever want to see what Resident Evil 2 would be like if it had some Aussie humor from Broken Roads added to it? Oh, and did you know that you can get the crazy survival horror game Loggerhead? It’s out and you can jump right into the chaos.

Oz Feels Scary: A Mix of Resident Evil and Broken Roads

If all you know about Australia is Crocodile Dundee and Neighbours and you want to see the Land Down Under in a Broken Roads-style way, Loggerhead is calling your name. Don’t expect a typical horror game feel. This one feels more like a funny trip back to the days of tank-control survival horror games. Good news? There’s now a demo available, and I promise you, it’s awesome!

Aussie wit and old-school magic: Daryl and Tracy’s Adventure!

Think of Resident Evil with a lot of Australian wit added in, and you have Loggerhead. Spend some time with Daryl and Tracy as they go on an adventure at Boggarogga Creek in the 1980s. Even though there may be a murder or sixty, Daryl’s over-the-top cutscene makes it look like it’s a cheap place to vacation.

As a fun nod to Resident Evil 2, our dynamic pair stops at a gas station. Things start to go badly from there. All of a sudden, you’re hitting zombies with a cricket bat, figuring out secrets, and doubting the choices you made for the holiday.

Check out the demo to learn how to control tanks and kill zombies

It might take a while to get good at controlling the tank in the game, but trust me, the demo is a lot of fun. The clever dialogue is pure gold, and the John Carpenter-style music is… It’s the cherry on top. Indeed, Loggerhead is a tribute to 80s horror that it almost begs to be played on an old-school CRT TV. It even has shades of Peter Jackson’s Bad Taste. Affordable Cat is the only developer working on Loggerhead, so they won’t be showing it off at E3. If they do, let’s hope they bring a vintage TV.

Get the demo right now to find out the release date

Loggerhead doesn’t have a set release date yet, but don’t worry—you can get the Loggerhead Prologue Demo on Steam right now. From what I’ve seen, this game is definitely on my list of things I need to watch SLOTASIABET.

Get lost in fun with Indie Gems and Retro Joys

There are more great independent games out there. Check out the best independent games on PC. For those who are drawn to Loggerhead’s old-school charm, check out the best retro games.

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